Bourges Aéroport

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The airport

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  Operations services


            This is the nerve centre of the airport, the main entry point for all platform services. The agents track the aircraft from end to end, before the flight, on landing, during transfers and right up to departure.  The operations agent responds to the needs of business clients, other users of the platform and to all those who need information about the airport.


Runway service


            The runway service is operational as soon as the aircraft or helicopter enters the airport parking area. It orchestrates all of the operations enabling pilots to handle their passengers in complete safety with a high level of service. The runway service is also in charge of the correct maintenance of the platform’s equipment, green spaces, snow removal, etc.


Airport fire service


            The Airport Rescue and Firefighting Service (ARFF) exists primarily to ensure the full safety of the platform and the survival of passengers in the event of an accident involving an aircraft. In Annecy, this service also handles take-off and landing safety procedures through the Wildlife Hazard Management (WHM) Unit as well as management of ground security (runway inspections for example). It is also responsible for patrolling the Establishment for Public Use (EPU) which is the air terminal.